Launch and GROW Your Business... Online

Start Generating Clients Consistently and Predictably. Hint: you won't need an agency.

Build your Marketing and Sales System Starting from the Strategy and Turn Everything into Numbers you can Easily Understand!


Why is Strategy the First Step to Start With?

If you want RESULTS, you don't need a "web agency", a website, a funnel, social media, to run paid ADS or anything else you might think of...

The first, and only, thing you need is a STRATEGY!

That's because you have no idea on how to create a strategy, you've never done it before, and no one has ever taught you how to do it. Like you, the same is true for your actual web agency or the one you are about to go to.

What you need is strategic guidance and director from an Entrepreneur who has already achieved what you're looking for... and not from a consultant who makes 50k a year.

Without a strategy, it's trial and error, blind guessing, wasting a lot of money and time, risking to never reach your destination, as it happens in every other aspect of our lives.

If you want to Launch or Grow your Business you need to be clear about your goals, the process within your company, your numbers, how you can monitor and measure the tasks along the process.

The strategy I develop with my customers is not a marketing strategy, but it's a business strategy that comes before anything else in a business cycle (yes... even before the product!).

It all starts with a vision and a strategy then comes people, processes, and products.

Only by following this framework you'll be able to start thinking of achieving any result; otherwise, you'll keep jumping from a web agency to another one without having a real direction until, as it often happen, you will end up thinking that the marketing isn't for you... when in fact it's the ONLY thing you need if you want to be a successful entrepreneur.

Save Time

You will have more time to dedicate to your business while the marketing works for you!

Optimize Your Investments

You'll avoid wasting money on unprofitable marketing investments.

Increase Profits

You will increase your profits by creating a tailor-made Business Strategy.

"There is No Secret Formula to Becoming Rich, the Success of a Business is Just a Matter of Making Number Based Logical Decisions..."

- Alex Bentivoglio


Alex Bentivoglio

Founder of Bentivoglio Consulting and former CEO and Co-founder of Funnel Company

I've helped hundreds of entrepreneurs have clarity and create the Strategy to Launch and Grow their Businesses Online.

I'm an Entrepreneur and Strategic Mentor for Business Growth and I have developed my experience over more than 20 years in the fileds of Marketing and Business.

I do what I do as in today's world it's difficult to find consultants who have real experience on the field and who are at the same time entrepreneurs, knowing how numbers and companies work, which are essential skills for designing successful business strategies.

Alex Bentivoglio Marketing and Strategic Business Growth Mentor

4 times 2 comma club winner

La mia esperienza imprenditoriale unita alle competenze tecniche, acquisite in oltre 20 anni di lavoro al fianco delle aziende mi ha permesso di:

Create a company among the most important in the business marketing sector and bring it in a few years from a small startup with 0 budget, to a solid company with over 40 paople and over 2 MLN € in annual revenue.

Bring over 500 companies to success in more than 40 different sectors, some of which have exceeded 10 million in revenue starting from 300k in 2 years of work and to obtain international awards for the results generated.


My Latest Videos

Being clear on your goals is the first step towards creating a Successful Business.

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" Benjamin Franklin 1790

Many companies have tried to do "marketing" and today they are afraid to invest more money in their growth...

The truth is that they have never really done marketing and most likely have never had a strategy.

The reasons why "marketing" has failed and has not brought the desired results are:

1. Thinking that marketing is not an entrepreneur responsibility and therefore the de-responsibilization from the Marketing Strategy or rather... from the strategy of their own Business itself!

2. Never had a strategy and therefore going randomly or by "trial and error".

For this reason, I help entrepreneurs understand what skills and responsibilities are required in order to put in place a successful Marketing (and Business) strategy and creating an action plan to start achieving results gradually and consistently.

Entrepreneurs with whom I have Worked With

Over the past few years, I've had the fortune of working with hundreds of entrepreneurs who have applied my methodology, created their strategy and grew their businesses becoming indipendent in managing their own number-based marketing and growth system.

Mirco Gasparotto

PRESIDENTE Arroweld Italia Spa

“Ho cambiato il mio modo di capire il marketing digitale. Un mindset che non può mancare a qualsiasi imprenditore.”

Carmine Carlo

CEO CFC Servizi Legali

“In 4 mesi ho realizzato 2 Funnel per il lancio del mio primo Best Seller Amazon, 4 Funnel per intercettare imprenditori e professionisti ed una Membership.

Sono passato da 200.000 a 10.000.000€!”

Claudia Murra

Image consultant

“Sono riuscita a saturare l'agenda per il mio servizio di consulenza di immagine online, in brevissimo tempo.”

Francesco Cardone

CEO Imprendifocus Srl

“Il 2020 è stato l'anno del record di fatturato per la mia azienda, grazie al lavoro fatto nel 2021 siamo riusciti a superarlo.”

Mirko Scaglia

Fondatore Protetto Srl

“Uno strumento di marketing così potente ci ha permesso di aprire 5 filiali in Italia.”

Alex C. & Albino T.

Bibione Palace Spa Hotel 4****S

“Possiamo garantire per esperienza che il funnel è uno strumento vincente per far crescere il brand e generare lead e vendite.”

Salvatore Reina

CEO Contributo Utile Srl

“Uno strumento di marketing così potente ci ha permesso di aprire 5 filiali in Italia.”

Valerio Malfatto

Jam Session Ski Academy

“Possiamo garantire per esperienza che il funnel è uno strumento vincente per far crescere il brand e generare lead e vendite.”

Alessio Brusemini

CEO SistemaPro

“I Funnel costruiti ci hanno permesso di aumentare il Brand Positioning di 3 aziende, di promuovere decine di serate dedicate ad imprenditori e di raggiungere il SOLD-OUT in alcune tappe del nostro primo Tour Italiano.”

Anthony Smith

Fondatore AS Leadership Coach

"Ho perso troppo tempo negli ultimi anni con agenzie che non erano preparate. Contento di aver trovato Funnel Company ed il mio coach. Con loro ho aumentato la mia produttività ed i miei risultati in un modo esponenziale."

Gemma e Samantha

Founder di Busines For Lady

“Grazie ai Funnel abbiamo fatto sold-out al primo evento ed abbiamo raggiunto più di 3.500 donne in tutta Italia.”

Alex Viola

CEO Alkaenergy

“In 9 mesi dall'avvio della mia start up ho raggiunto il 400% di ROI!”

Chiara Alzati

Chiara Alzati Public Speaking

“Sono riuscita a posizionarmi in modo autorevole e a far crescere il mio business grazie ad un’attenta gestione.”

Paolo Grisendi

PG Video Marketing

“Ho trovato una realtà sulla quale posso fare affidamento per portare avanti i miei progetti.”

Silvio Foschi

CEO Imio Srl

“Con un semplice funnel sono riuscito a generare 35 nuovi clienti per un ticket medio di 9.000 Euro.”

Filippo Rossi

CEO Silent Emotion

“L'obiettivo di un imprenditore dovrebbe essere quello di diventare inutile per la propria azienda. Grazie al sistema di marketing creato riesco a fatturare 6 cifre in modo automatizzato.”

Gian Luigi Baiardo

CEO Porta dei Sapori

“7.000 clienti acquisiti in 2 settimane dal lancio del primo Funnel. Stavamo cadendo nella guerra dei prezzi... Ora abbiamo un nuovo terreno su cui far rinascere il nostro business”

Golia Pezzulla

Public Speaking Expert

“Un risultato incredibile! Abbiamo riempito la sala del nostro evento già dal lancio del 1° funnel!”. Ora sappiamo come comunicare online per ottenere risultati.

Vincenzo Palma

Fondatore Olio Ciavatta

“Abbiamo creato un sistema che ci permette generare vendiet di fino a 500 Euro al giorno.”

Luca Armaroli

Fondatore Alce Study Abroad

“A volte non serve inventarsi nulla. Basta solo trovare il modo di comunicare ciò che sappiamo già fare benissimo. Con il mio funnel sono riuscito ad arrivare al mio target e aiutarlo a fare la scelta giusta.”

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